§ 4-196. Constructing buildings without inside toilets prohibited; sewer connection or septic tank required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful to and no person shall construct any residence or building for the housing of humans within the city without furnishing and installing therein an inside toilet or inside toilets. Disposal from such toilets and other fixtures using water shall be by connecting same with sewerage line if required by Chapter 11 and if not then by connecting the same with a septic tank, cesspools being especially prohibited.


    All installation of toilets, septic tanks, sewerage connections, etc., shall be done and made in strict accordance with Article III of Chapter 3 and shall also meet the requirements and regulations of the state board of health.


    The only exception to be permitted to subsections (a) and (b) of this section is that if water under pressure is not available or cannot be made available, then an outside privy may be constructed but a special permit shall first be obtained.


    In addition to any penalty for violation hereof the city shall have the option to enforce the provisions of this section by injunction or adequate and proper court proceedings.

(Code 1963, § 14-24)