§ 11-43. Operation of control cocks.  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided in section 11-42, no person, except the director of the department of public works or the director of finance, or their duly authorized representatives, shall have the right to tamper with or operate the curb cocks, or to shut off the cock or valve through which water is supplied to any premises, except that authorized, bonded plumbers may be permitted to turn the water on temporarily for the purpose of testing their work, or to shut the water off temporarily for the purpose of making repairs, etc., but in all cases such plumbers shall leave the said curb cock or shut-off cock in the same position and condition in which it was found; provided, however, that any such plumbers shall first obtain the necessary permit and file the necessary report, as herein required.

(Code 1963, § 29-45; Ord. No. 2180, § 9, 6-8-99)